Welcome to Textil-Holding Kft. (hereinafter referred to as “Service Provider”).

These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as “GTC”) contain the terms and conditions of use of the service available on the website www.toltoanyag.hu (hereinafter referred to as “Website”) by the user (hereinafter referred to as “User”).

The processing of the User’s personal data is governed by the Privacy Policy, which can be accessed directly from the main page at the following link: https://toltoanyag.hu/adatvedelmi-iranyelvek

The technical information necessary for the use of the Website, which is not included in these GTC, is provided in the information available on the Website. The language of the contract is Hungarian.

The contract does not constitute a written contract, it is not filed by the Service Provider and therefore not accessible or viewable afterwards. The Service Provider does not subscribe to any code of conduct.
These GTC can be downloaded from https://toltoanyag.hu/altalanos-szerzodesi-feltetelek

  1. The service provider

Name: Textil-Holding Kft

Representative: Béla Balog

Registered office (and place of complaint handling): 5540 Szarvas, Betű utca 2/1.

Postal address: 5540 Szarvas, Betű utca 2/1.

Tax number: 25278703-2-04

Company registration number: 04-09-013369


Name of the registering court: the Company Court of Gyula General Court

Registration number of data processing: in progress….

Financial institution holding the account: Szarvas és Vidéke Körzeti Takarékszövetkezet

Számlaszám: 12600016-19911902-87458398

E-mail address: info@toltoanyag.hu

Phone number: +36 (30) 2012-891

Data of the service provider:

DiMa.hu Kft.

Office address: 4026 Debrecen, Honvéd u. 1/A 1/1.

Tax number: 14079665-2-09

Company registration number: 09-09-014017

E-mail: info@dima.hu

2.1 Responsibility

The User may use the Site solely at his/her own risk and accepts that the Service Provider shall not be liable for any material or non-material damage arising from the use of the Site, in addition to liability for intentional breach of contract or for damage to human life, limb or health.

The Service Provider excludes all liability for the conduct of users of the Website. The User shall ensure that the use of the Website does not directly or indirectly infringe the rights of third parties or the law. The User shall be fully and exclusively responsible for his/her own conduct, in which case the Service Provider shall cooperate fully with the competent authorities in order to detect any infringements.

The Service Provider is entitled, but not obliged, to check the content that may be made available by Users during the use of the Website, and the Service Provider is entitled, but not obliged, to look for signs of illegal activity with regard to the published content.

The pages of the service may contain links to the pages of other service providers. The Service Provider is not responsible for the privacy practices or other activities of such service providers.

Due to the global nature of the Internet, the User agrees that when using the Website, he/she shall also comply with the provisions of applicable national laws. If any activity related to the use of the Site is not permitted under the laws of the User’s country, the User shall be solely responsible for such use. If the User detects any objectionable content on the Website, he/she shall immediately notify the Service Provider. If the Service Provider, acting in good faith, finds the report to be justified, it shall be entitled to delete the information or amend it without delay.

The agreement between the Service Provider and the User under these Terms and Conditions shall terminate if the User cancels his/her registration or if the Service Provider cancels the User’s registration.

2.2 Copyright

  1. Terms of use

The Site as a whole, its graphic elements, text and technical solutions, and the elements of the Service are protected by copyright or other intellectual property rights (including, without limitation, trademarks). The Service Provider is the copyright owner or the proprietor of the

is an authorised user of all content displayed on the Site and in the provision of the services available through the Site: any copyright or other intellectual property (including, without limitation, all graphics and

other materials, the layout and design of the Website, the software and other solutions used, ideas and implementation).

The saving or printing of the contents of the Website and parts thereof on physical or other media for private use or with the prior written consent of the Service Provider is permitted. Any use other than for private purposes, such as storage in a database, transmission, publication or downloading, commercialisation, etc., is only possible with the prior written consent of the Service Provider.

In addition to the rights expressly set forth in these GTC, no registration, use of the Website or any provision of these GTC shall grant the User any right to any use or exploitation of any trade name or trademark displayed on the Website. These intellectual works may not be used or exploited in any form other than for the purpose of displaying the Site, temporary reproduction or private copying without the prior written consent of the Service Provider.

The Service Provider reserves all rights to all elements of its service, in particular to the domain name www.toltoanyag.hu, its subdomains, all other domain names reserved by the Service Provider, its subpages and its Internet advertising space. Any activity aimed at delisting, organising, archiving, hacking or decrypting the Service Provider’s database is prohibited, unless specifically authorised by the Service Provider.

It is prohibited to modify, copy, insert new data or overwrite existing data by bypassing the interface or search engines provided by the Service Provider without a separate agreement or without using the service provided for this purpose.

By using the Service, the User accepts that the Service Provider may use the data uploaded by the User during the use of the Service at any time and in any place, without any restriction and without paying any extra fee, within the limits of the relevant Privacy Policy.

The products displayed can only be ordered online. The prices displayed for the products are in Hungarian forints and include VAT as required by law, but do not include the cost of delivery to the customer’s home.

In the webshop, the Service Provider shall display the name and description of the product in detail, and shall display a photo of the product. The images displayed on the data sheet of the products may differ from the reality and may be used as illustrations. We cannot be held responsible for any discrepancy between the image displayed in the webshop and the actual appearance of the product.

If a promotional price is introduced, the Service Provider will fully inform Users about the promotion and its exact duration.

If the Service Provider, despite all due care, displays an incorrect price on the Webshop, in particular a clearly incorrect price, e.g. a “0” Ft or “1” Ft price that differs significantly from the commonly known, generally accepted or estimated price of the product, or a “0” Ft price due to a system error, the Service Provider is not obliged to deliver the product at the incorrect price, but may offer to deliver the product at the correct price, in the knowledge of which the Customer may withdraw from the purchase.

In the case of a mispricing, there is a striking discrepancy between the true price of the product and the advertised price, which the average consumer should be able to spot immediately. The Civil Code 2013. According to Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code (Civil Code), a contract is concluded by the mutual and consensual expression of the will of the parties. If the parties cannot agree on the contractual terms, i.e. if there is no mutual and unanimous expression of the will of the parties, the contract is not a valid contract, which would give rise to rights and obligations. On this basis, an order confirmed at an incorrect/incorrect price shall be considered as a void contract.

4.1 Registration

  1. Register on the website

Registration is not required to view the content of the Website or to place an order on the Website. The User can register by clicking on the “Registration” button on the top right of the Website and filling in the registration form as required. In the registration interface, the following data must be provided to the Service Provider:

Under the “Registration details” menu

– Email address

– Password

Under the “Contact details” menu

– Full name (Contact name)

– Phone number

Under the “Billing details” menu

– Your name

– billing address: city, postal code, street name, house number, country

– Company customer in case of tax number

  1. Activity on the website
  2. Making a purchase on the website

On the Website, the default setting is for the billing and shipping address to be the same, with the checkbox ticked.

If the billing address and the delivery address do not match, the User has the option to enter the delivery address by clicking on the checkbox (unchecking the box). The User also has the possibility to subscribe to the Service Provider’s newsletter by ticking the checkbox. The Service Provider will inform the User by e-mail of the success of the registration, in which the User can review the data provided during the registration process via a summary interface.

You have the right to cancel your registration at any time by sending an e-mail to info@toltoanyag.hu. Upon receipt of the message, the Service Provider is obliged to delete the registration immediately. The User’s user data will be removed from the system immediately after the cancellation; however, this will not affect the storage of data and documents related to orders already placed, nor will it result in the deletion of such data. Once removed, it is no longer possible to restore the data.

The User is solely responsible for keeping the User’s access data (in particular the password) confidential. If the User becomes aware that his/her password provided during registration has been accessed by an unauthorized third party, he/she shall immediately change his/her password, and if it is suspected that the third party is misusing the password in any way, he/she shall notify the Service Provider at the same time.

The User undertakes to update the personal data provided during registration as necessary to ensure that they are up-to-date, complete and accurate.

4.2 Ordering

Registration is not required to view the content of the Website and to place an order on the Website, so the User may place an order for products advertised for sale on the Website at any time without registration. The User may browse through the products available for ordering on the Website, sorted into categories, and select the product he wishes to order. Click on the name of the category to see the list of products in that category. If all the products in a given category do not fit on one page, you can scroll through them using the numbers above and below the products.

By filling in the “Quick Search” search field, users can search for the product they wish to buy by name or by type. If a product advertised for sale on the Website matches the User’s search, the system will display it. By clicking on “Advanced Search” on the Website, the User can specify, next to the search word, the category and the product attributes in which he wishes to search.

The search results in the same products as for the above categories. It is also possible to browse – in case a search would return more than one result – and to view the detailed properties of the product.

Users can find out about the detailed characteristics, price and other optional features of the product they wish to order by clicking on the product name or the image of the product.

Users can select the product they wish to order and add it to their shopping basket by clicking on the “Add to basket” button on the interface providing information about the product’s characteristics, and can also enter the quantity of the product on the same interface, by entering the exact quantity. You can check the contents of your basket (the item number of the product you wish to order and its price) by using the short summary interface at the top of the Site, next to the “Basket” icon. By clicking on the “Shopping Cart” icon, the User will be navigated to the Shopping Cart section of the Website.

In the “Cart” interface, the User can view and check the list of products in the cart, their gross price, the number of items to be ordered and the total amount of the order at the bottom of the summary interface. On this interface, the User can also modify the contents of his basket at any time, as he can delete products from his basket by clicking on the “X” button, and change the quantity (number of items) of the product.

The Service Provider’s system automatically saves the contents of the shopping cart on the Service Provider’s server for 365 days if the User exits the Website or interrupts the purchase process. The User can continue ordering the next time he/she visits the Site after entering his/her e-mail address and password. If the User does not wish to save the contents of the shopping cart, he/she has the possibility to completely empty the shopping cart by clicking on the “Delete Cart” button at the bottom of the summary interface. Only registered users have the possibility to save the shopping cart. To modify your order by clicking on the “Edit” button.

If you have a coupon code that entitles you to a discount, you can use it by clicking on the “Claim discount” button. By clicking on the “Continue Shopping” button, the User can continue with the order on the Website. By clicking on the “Proceed to checkout” button, you can finalize your order. The coupon discount cannot be used for promotional products.

In the interface that appears, the User can choose to

  • if you are a registered user of the Site, you can log in to the Site by entering your login details in the “Login” section in the email and password fields, or
  • continue shopping as a guest, tick “Buy as a guest” and continue without registering

The advantage of registering on the Website is that the User can place his/her order faster on the Website, can easily track it, and can also subscribe to the Service Provider’s newsletter. If the User has previously registered on the Website but forgot his password, he can use the password reminder.

In case the User does not wish to register on the Website for the order, it is necessary to register on the Website in order to fulfil the order, as provided in this GTC 3.1. The Customer must provide the data specified in clause 3.3.1. By clicking on the “Next” button at the bottom of the interface, the Website will navigate the User to the “Delivery and Payment Methods” interface, where he/she can continue the ordering process.

Users who register on the Website do not need to enter this information again during the purchase process, the Website will automatically navigate the User to the “Delivery and payment methods” section.

Users can choose between payment methods and delivery methods in the “Delivery and payment methods” interface.

Once the User has chosen from the available options and found everything to be correct with his order, he can click on the “Next” button to navigate to the “Verify Data” page.

In the “Check Data” summary interface, the User has the possibility to check his/her order, in particular the data provided by him/her, the product to be ordered, its price, the payment and delivery method chosen by him/her.

In addition, the user has the possibility to add comments to his order in the control interface.

It is important that the User is aware of and accepts the current GTC in order to continue shopping.

After clicking on the “Submit Order” button at the bottom of the page, the User can finalize the order.

The Service Provider shall notify the User of the success of the order on the subsequent interface and in an automatic e-mail sent to the User’s e-mail address (confirmation), which shall contain the exact details of the order.

The status of the order can be monitored by the registered User until the order is completed by clicking on the “Personal Data” at the top of the Website. Here you can find all your previous orders. Each order is identified by a unique order number. You can print the order at any time.

4.3 Correcting data entry errors

At any stage of the order and until the order is sent to the Service Provider, the User has the possibility to correct data entry errors on the Website at any time, either in his/her own account (modification of user data) or in the ordering interface (e.g. deleting a product from the shopping cart by clicking on the “x” button). Examples of data entry errors are incorrect quantities, placing the wrong product in the basket and then deleting it from the basket, mistyped order details, etc. (e.g. delivery address)

4.4 Binding nature of the offer, confirmation

The receipt of the offer sent by the User will be confirmed by the Service Provider to the User without delay, by means of an automatic confirmation e-mail, which will contain the data provided by the User during the purchase or registration (billing and shipping information), the order ID, the date of the order, the list of items belonging to the ordered product, the quantity, the price of the product, the shipping cost and the final amount to be paid.

This confirmation e-mail shall constitute acceptance by the Service Provider of the offer made by the User, which shall create a valid contract between the Service Provider and the User.

The User shall be exempted from the obligation to make an offer if he/she does not receive a confirmation e-mail from the Service Provider regarding the order sent without delay, but within 48 hours at the latest.

If the User has already sent his/her order to the Service Provider and notices an error in the data contained in the confirmation e-mail, he/she must notify the Service Provider within 1 day in order to avoid the execution of unwanted orders.

4.5 Payment

Prepayment to bank account: the User shall pay the price of the ordered products prior to their delivery or receipt by bank transfer to the bank account of the Service Provider held at the Szarvas és Vidéke District Savings Bank Cooperative 53900014-16016956. In case of advance payment, the order number must always be indicated in the comment field. In case of advance payment, the User is entitled to receive the ordered products only after the transfer has been credited.

Cash payment to the Service Provider’s bank account: the User can pay the price of the ordered products in advance to the Service Provider’s bank account at the Szarvas és Vidéke District Savings Bank 53900014-16016956. In the case of a bank payment (if the customer initiates a transfer at any bank), any additional bank charges related to the transaction are borne by the customer. Please contact the bank branch of your choice to find out in advance about the costs.

Payment by credit card: the user has the possibility to pay the value of the order online by credit card through Barion’s payment system.

4.6 Invoice

The invoice will be sent to the User upon receipt of the product, either in person or in a parcel. If during the order. In all cases, the Supplier will send an invoice to the User.

4.7 Transport

The Service Provider provides the following take-over delivery options for the user

GLS courier service

Orders placed on the Website will be delivered by GLS Logistics to the address provided by the User during the online ordering process. The courier service delivers orders from Monday to Friday, between 08:00 and 20:00.

If the User is not at the address during this period and the parcel is not received, the courier will leave a notice at the delivery address. Using the number on the notification, the User can contact the courier service

or call the number above. For the delivery address, it is advisable to specify a delivery address where the User can pick up the ordered product during the delivery period.

The Service Provider may send a notification of the current status of the package to the User by e-mail to the e-mail address provided in the registration. It is possible for the User to contact the courier service for further clarification of the delivery date, which can be done by calling the GLS dispatch service telephone number. To do this, you need the tracking number of the parcel, which you can request from our colleagues by phone or e-mail. (+30/2012-891) info@toltoanyag.hu

The courier service phone number is +36 1 802 0265 Mobile: +36 20 890-0660 (Not a premium rate number. Call charges vary depending on the telephone service provider.)

If the User is not present at the delivery address indicated by the User at the time indicated by the courier service during the ordering process and the delivery of the parcel fails, the courier will leave a notice at the delivery address. Using the number on the notification, the User may contact the courier service or the telephone number indicated above to specify or arrange a new delivery address and time. The courier service will attempt to deliver the ordered products 1 additional time.

The courier service will attempt to deliver twice as agreed online or by telephone, however, if the 2nd delivery is not possible, the courier service will not attempt to deliver twice. If the 2nd delivery fails for reasons attributable to the User, the 2nd delivery will be attempted again. The Service Provider will only attempt the second delivery again if the User has paid the purchase price of the order to the Service Provider by bank transfer and the purchase price has been credited to the Service Provider’s account.

The receipt of the product from the person who delivered it and the signing of the document confirming the receipt of the product shall constitute the acceptance of the quantity and quality of the product, which means that after the receipt of the product by the User and after the courier’s departure, the Service Provider shall not be able to accept any subsequent complaints regarding quantity and quality. Thus, by signing the delivery note, the Customer acknowledges that the parcel received is in conformity with the order, both externally and in terms of its contents (no defects in the contents of the parcel, no damage to the packaging or the product).

If the User notices any damage to the product or the packaging, a record of the damage must be made in the presence of the person who delivered the product. If the packaging or the product is visibly damaged upon receipt and the damage occurred before the receipt of the goods, the Service Provider shall ensure the return of the product free of charge. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any damage discovered after acceptance!

4.8. Szállítási költségek

Net delivery charges in the country are as follows:

Prepayment and credit card payment: 1900 Ft / package

4.9. Szállítási határidő

The delivery time of the order is 2-3 working days for GLS Logistics courier service.

If, for any reason, the delivery deadline is postponed, the Service Provider will inform the User in any case. The Service Provider cannot be held liable for any delays caused by the parcel delivery service. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, the Service Provider shall be obliged to make the product available to the consumer (delivery) without delay after the conclusion of the contract, but no later than thirty days.

In the event of delay by the Service Provider, the User who is a consumer is entitled to set a grace period. If the Supplier does not perform within the grace period, the consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract.

The consumer may withdraw from the contract without notice if.

  1. a) the Service Provider has refused to perform the contract; or
  2. (b) the contract should have been performed at the time agreed by the parties or by reason of the recognisable purpose of the service and not at any other time.
  3. Right of withdrawal

5.1 Procedure for exercising the right of withdrawal

The provisions of this point apply only to natural persons acting outside the scope of their profession, self-employed occupation or business activity who buy, order, receive, use, make use of goods and are the addressee of commercial communications or offers relating to goods (hereinafter referred to as “Consumer”). The consumer is entitled, in the case of a contract for the sale of goods, to

  1. a) a product,

b) in case of supply of several products, the last product supplied,

  1. (c) in the case of products consisting of several lots or pieces, the last lot or piece supplied,
  2. (d) if the goods are to be supplied regularly within a specified period, to withdraw from the contract without giving any reason within fourteen (14) days of the date of the first service, the date of receipt of the goods by the Consumer or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by the Consumer.

The consumer may also exercise his right of withdrawal between the date of conclusion of the contract and the date of receipt of the product.

If the Consumer wishes to exercise his right of withdrawal, he must send a clear statement of his intention to withdraw (e.g. by post, fax or electronic mail) to the address indicated in the first paragraph of these GTC 1. the Service Provider using the contact details indicated in point 1.1. For this purpose, the Consumer may also use the model withdrawal notice available at the following link [https://toltoanyag .hu/elallas.pdf]. The Consumer shall exercise his right of withdrawal within the time limit if he sends his withdrawal notice to the Service Provider before the expiry of the time limit indicated above.

The Consumer bears the burden of proving that he/she has exercised his/her right of withdrawal in accordance with 5. in accordance with the provisions set out in point 5. In both cases, the Service Provider shall immediately acknowledge receipt of the Consumer’s withdrawal by email. In the case of a written withdrawal, it shall be deemed to have been validated within the time limit if the Consumer sends his declaration to that effect to the Supplier within 14 calendar days (up to and including the 14th calendar day).

In the case of notification by post, the date of dispatch shall be taken into account by the Service Provider for the calculation of the time limit, in the case of notification by e-mail or fax, the date of sending the e-mail or fax. The Consumer shall post his letter by registered mail so that the date of dispatch can be credibly proven.

In the event of cancellation, the Customer is obliged to return the ordered product to the Supplier 1. without undue delay, but no later than 14 days from the date of his/her notice of withdrawal. The time limit shall be deemed to have been observed if the Consumer sends (posts or delivers to the courier service ordered by him) the product before the expiry of the 14-day time limit.

The cost of returning the product to the Service Provider’s address is borne by the Consumer. The Service Provider is not able to accept the parcel returned by cash on delivery. The Consumer shall not be charged any costs other than the cost of returning the product in the event of withdrawal.

If the Consumer withdraws from the contract, the Service Provider shall reimburse all the consideration paid by the Consumer, including the transport (delivery) costs, without delay, but no later than 14 days after receipt of the Consumer’s notice of withdrawal, except for any additional costs incurred because the Consumer chose a transport method other than the cheapest usual transport method offered by the Service Provider. The Service Provider shall be entitled to withhold the refund until the Product has been returned or until the Consumer has provided credible proof that it has been returned, whichever is the earlier.

The refund shall be made by the Service Provider using the same payment method as the one used for the original transaction, unless the Consumer explicitly agrees to another payment method; no additional costs shall be charged to the Consumer as a result of the use of this refund method.

The consumer can be held liable for depreciation of the product only if it is due to use beyond the use necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the product.

5.2 In which cases the consumer does not have the right of withdrawal:

  1. a) in the case of a product that is not prefabricated and that has been produced by the Service Provider on the instructions or at the express request of the Consumer or a product that is clearly personalised for the User;
  2. b) for the sale of a copy of a sound or video recording or computer software in sealed packaging, if the Consumer has opened the packaging after delivery.
  3. Warranty

6.1 Accessories warranty

In the event of defective performance by the Service Provider, the User may assert a warranty claim against the Service Provider.

In the case of a consumer contract, the User may assert warranty claims during the 2-year limitation period from the date of receipt for product defects that existed at the time of delivery. After the two-year limitation period, the User may no longer enforce his rights under the warranty.

In the case of a contract concluded with a non-consumer, the rightful claimant may enforce his/her warranty claims within a limitation period of 1 year from the date of receipt.

The User may, at his/her option, request repair or replacement, unless the fulfilment of the request chosen by the User is impossible or would involve disproportionate additional costs for the Service Provider compared to the fulfilment of his/her other request. If

the repair or replacement was not requested or could not be requested by the User, the User may request a proportionate reduction of the consideration or the User may have the defect repaired or replaced by another party at the expense of the Service Provider or, in the last resort, may withdraw from the contract. There shall be no right of withdrawal for minor defects.

The User may switch from one warranty right to another, but shall bear the cost of the switch, unless it was justified or the Service Provider gave a reason for it. The User shall notify the Service Provider of the defect immediately after its discovery, but not later than two months after the discovery of the defect. The User may assert a warranty claim directly against the Service Provider.

Within six months from the date of performance of the contract, the User’s right to claim for a warranty claim is subject to the condition that the User proves that he/she purchased the product from the Service Provider (by presenting the invoice or a copy of the invoice). In such a case, the Service Provider shall be exempted from the warranty only if it rebuts this presumption, i.e. proves that the defect in the product arose after delivery to the User. If the Service Provider can prove that the defect was caused by a cause attributable to the User, the Service Provider shall not be obliged to accept the User’s warranty claim. However, after six months from the date of performance, the User shall be obliged to prove that the defect discovered by the User existed at the time of performance.

If the User asserts a warranty claim in respect of a part of the product that can be separated from the product in respect of the defect indicated, the warranty claim shall not be deemed to be asserted in respect of the other parts of the product.

6.2 Product warranty

In the event of a defect in the product (movable good), the buyer who is a consumer may, at his/her option, 5.1. 5.1.1. may exercise the rights set out in point 5.1.1 or the product warranty. However, the user shall not be entitled to make a claim under a subsidiary warranty and a product warranty claim for the same defect at the same time and in parallel. However, in the event of a successful product warranty claim, the User may assert a claim for a replacement product or a repaired part against the manufacturer. As a product warranty claim, the User may only request the repair or replacement of the defective product. In the event of a product warranty claim, the User must prove that the product is defective.

A product is considered to be defective if it does not meet the quality requirements in force when it was placed on the market or if it does not have the characteristics described by the manufacturer.

The User may assert a product warranty claim within two years of the date on which the product was placed on the market by the manufacturer.

After this time limit, you lose this right. The User shall notify the manufacturer of the defect without delay after the defect is discovered. A defect notified within two months of its discovery shall be deemed to have been notified without delay. The consumer shall be liable for any damage resulting from the delay in notification. The consumer may exercise his right to claim under a product warranty against the manufacturer or distributor (Service Provider) of the movable good.

The manufacturer or distributor (Service Provider) is only exempted from its product warranty obligation if it can prove that:

– manufactured or marketed the product for purposes other than its business, or

– the defect was not detectable according to the state of science and technology at the time it was placed on the market, or

– the defect in the product results from the application of a legal or regulatory requirement.

The manufacturer or distributor (Service Provider) only needs to prove one ground for exemption.

Warranty, guarantee claims and the procedure for settling them

The User may enforce its warranty claims:

Name: Textil-Holding Kft

Address: 5540 Szarvas, Betű utca 2/1.

E-mail: info@toltoanyag.hu

In a contract between a consumer and a business, the agreement of the parties may not derogate from the provisions of the Regulation to the detriment of the consumer.

The onus is on the consumer to prove that the contract has been concluded (with an invoice or even just a receipt).

The costs related to the fulfilment of the warranty obligation shall be borne by the Service Provider (Civil Code, § 6:166).

The Service Provider shall keep a record of the warranty or guarantee claim notified to it by the consumer.

A copy of the report shall be made available to the consumer without delay in a verifiable manner.

If the Service Provider is unable to declare the enforceability of the consumer’s warranty or guarantee claim at the time of its notification, it shall notify the consumer of its position within five working days in a verifiable manner, including the reasons for the rejection and the possibility of recourse to the conciliation body in the event of rejection of the claim.

The Service Provider shall keep the minutes for three years from the date of their recording and shall produce them at the request of the supervisory authority.

The Service Provider must endeavour to carry out the repair or replacement within a maximum of fifteen days.

  1. Enforcement options

7.1 Place, time and manner of lodging a complaint

The User may submit consumer complaints about the product or the Service Provider’s activities to the following contact details

can put forward:

Postal address: 5540 Szarvas, Betű utca 2/1.

Phone number: , +30/2012-891

E-mail: info@toltoanyag.hu

The Service Provider shall, if it has the opportunity, remedy the oral complaint immediately. If the immediate remedy of the oral complaint is not possible, due to the nature of the complaint, or if the User does not agree with the handling of the complaint, the Service Provider shall keep a record of the complaint for a period of five years, together with its substantive response to the complaint. In the case of a verbal complaint communicated by telephone or other electronic communications service, the Service Provider shall send the User a copy of the record together with the substantive reply. In all other cases, the Service Provider shall proceed in accordance with the rules applicable to written complaints. Complaints recorded by telephone or other means of communication shall be provided by the Service Provider with a unique identifier, which will facilitate the subsequent tracing of the complaint.

The Service Provider will respond to your written complaint within 30 days. Action under this contract means posting.

  1. LV. Act of 1997 on Consumer Protection. CLV. Act amending the Law on the Consumer Protection Act of :
  • in the case of an oral complaint made in person, to the consumer on the spot,
  • in the case of an oral complaint made by telephone or other electronic communications service, to the consumer at the latest at the same time as the substantive reply, and shall otherwise act on the written complaint.

The Consumer Protection Act divides an oral complaint into oral complaints made in person or otherwise. Under the legislation, businesses are under a clear obligation to keep a record of complaints made orally (e.g. by telephone or Skype). Verbal complaints made by telephone or using an electronic communications service must be given a unique identification number by the service provider. The introduction of a unique identification number will facilitate the traceability of the complaint. This number shall also be communicated to the customer.”

If the complaint is rejected, the Service Provider shall inform the User of the reasons for the rejection.

You are informed that if your complaint is rejected, you can take your complaint to a public authority or a conciliation body using the following contact details.

The Service Provider will use the conciliation procedure to settle the consumer dispute.

You can lodge a complaint with the regional authorities:

Békés County Government Office

Technical Licensing and Consumer Protection Department, Consumer Protection Unit

Head of Department: dr. Hajnalka Katalin Pethő

Address: 5600 Békéscsaba, József A. u. 2-4.

Postal address: 5601 Békéscsaba, PF: 284.

Phone +36 66 546 150, +36 66 546 151,

Fax: +36 66 546 140,

E-mail: fogyved_daf_bekescsaba@nfh.hu

Customer Service (Residential):

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8.00 – 12.00

Tuesday, Thursday: 12.00 – 16.00

If you have a complaint, you can contact a conciliation body, whose contact details can be found here:

Bács-Kiskun County Conciliation Board

Address: 6000 Kecskemét, Árpád krt. 4.

Phone number: (76) 501-525, (76) 501-500

Fax number: (76) 501-538

Name: Mariann Mátyus

E-mail address: bkmkik@mail.datanet.hu;

Baranya County Conciliation Board

Address: 7625 Pécs, Majorossy Imre u. 36.

Address for correspondence: 7602 Pécs, Pf. 109.

Phone number: (72) 507-154

Fax number: (72) 507-152

Name: Dr. József Bodnár

E-mail address: bekelteto@pbkik.hu;

Békés County Conciliation Board

Address: 5601 Békéscsaba, Penza ltp. 5.

Phone numbers (66) 324-976, 446-354, 451-775

Fax number: (66) 324-976

Name: Dr. László Bagdi

E-mail address: bmkik@bmkik.hu;

Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Conciliation Board

Address: 3525 Miskolc, Szentpáli u. 1.

Phone number: (46) 501-091, 501-870

Fax number: (46) 501-099

Name: Dr. Péter Tulipán

E-mail address: kalna.zsuzsa@bokik.hu;

Budapest Conciliation Board

Address: 1016 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 99.

Phone number: (1) 488-2131

Fax number: (1) 488-2186

Name: Dr. György Baranovszky

E-mail address: bekelteto.testulet@bkik.hu;

Csongrád County Conciliation Board

Address: 6721 Szeged, Párizsi krt. 8-12.

Phone number (62) 554-250/118 ext.

Fax number: (62) 426-149

Name: László Dékány, Zoltán Jerney

E-mail address: bekelteto.testulet@csmkik.hu;

Fejér County Conciliation Board

Address: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Hosszúsétatér 4-6.

Phone number: (22) 510-310

Fax number: (22) 510-312

Name: László Kirst

E-mail address: fmkik@fmkik.hu;

Győr-Moson-Sopron County Conciliation Board

Address: 9021 Győr, Szent István út 10/a.

Phone number: (96) 520-202; 520-217

Fax number: (96) 520-218

Name: László Horváth

E-mail address: bekeltetotestulet@gymskik.hu;

Hajdú-Bihar County Conciliation Board

Address: 4025 Debrecen, Petőfi tér 10.

Phone number: (52) 500-749

Fax number: (52) 500-720

Name: Dr. Zsolt Hajnal

E-mail address: info@hbkik.hu;

Heves County Conciliation Board

Address: 3300 Eger, Faiskola út 15.

Mailing address: 3301 Eger, Pf. 440.

Phone number: (36) 416-660/105 ext.

Fax number: (36) 323-615

Name: Mrs Pintér Mrs Dobó Tünde

E-mail address: tunde@hkik.hu;

Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Conciliation Board

Address: 5000 Szolnok, Verseghy park 8.

Phone number: (56) 510-610

Fax number: (56) 370-005

Name: Dr. Dr. Judit Lajkóné Vígh

E-mail address: kamara@jnszmkik.hu;

Komárom-Esztergom County Conciliation Board

Address: 2800 Tatabánya, Fő tér 36.

Phone number: (34) 513-010

Fax number: (34) 316-259

Name: Dr. György Rozsnyói

E-mail address: kemkik@kemkik.hu;

Nógrád County Conciliation Board

Address: 3100 Salgótarján, Alkotmány út 9/a

Phone number: (32) 520-860

Fax number: (32) 520-862

Name: Dr. Erik Pongó

E-mail address: nkik@nkik.hu;

Pest County Conciliation Board

Address: 1119 Budapest, Etele út 59-61. 2. em. 240.

Phone number: (1)-269-0703

Fax number: (1)-269-0703

Name: dr. Károly Csanádi

E-mail address: pmbekelteto@pmkik.hu

Website address: www.panaszrendezes.hu

Somogy County Conciliation Board

Address: 7400 Kaposvár, Anna utca 6.

Phone number: (82) 501-000

Fax number: (82) 501-046

Name: Dr. Ferenc Novák

E-mail address: skik@skik.hu;

Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Conciliation Board

Address: 4400 Nyíregyháza, Széchenyi u. 2.

Phone numbers (42) 311-544, (42) 420-180

Fax number: (42) 311-750

Name: Katalin Görömbeiné Dr. Balmaz

E-mail address: bekelteto@szabkam.hu;

Tolna County Conciliation Board

Address: 7100 Szekszárd, Arany J. u. 23-25.

Phone number: (74) 411-661

Fax number: (74) 411-456

Name: Tibor Mátyás

E-mail address: kamara@tmkik.hu;

Vas County Conciliation Board

Address: 9700 Szombathely, Honvéd tér 2.

Phone number: (94) 312-356

Fax number: (94) 316-936

Name: Dr. Zoltán Kövesdi

E-mail address: pergel.bea@vmkik.hu

Veszprém County Conciliation Board

Address: 8200 Veszprém, Budapest u. 3.

Phone number: (88) 429-008

Fax number: (88) 412-150

Name: Dr. László Óvári

E-mail address: vkik@veszpremikamara.hu

Zala County Conciliation Board

Address: 8900 Zalaegerszeg, Petőfi utca 24.

Phone number: (92) 550-513

Fax number: (92) 550-525

Name: dr. Csaba Koczka

E-mail address: zmbekelteto@zmkik.hu

The conciliation body is responsible for settling consumer disputes out of court. The conciliation body’s task is to attempt to reach an agreement between the parties to resolve the consumer dispute and, if this is unsuccessful, to rule on the case in order to ensure that consumer rights are enforced in a simple, quick, efficient and cost-effective manner. At the request of the consumer or the Supplier, the conciliation body shall advise the consumer on the rights and obligations of the consumer.

In the case of cross-border consumer disputes related to online sales or online service contracts, only the conciliation body attached to the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry is competent to handle the procedure.

The Consumer may use the EU online dispute resolution platform in case of a complaint. Using the platform requires a simple registration on the European Commission system by clicking here. Once logged in, the consumer can then submit a complaint via the online website: https://ec.europa.eu/odr

The service provider has a duty to cooperate in the conciliation procedure. In this context, it is obliged to send its reply to the conciliation body and to ensure the participation of a person authorised to reach a settlement at the hearing. If the head office or place of business is not registered in the county of the chamber of conciliation which operates the territorially competent conciliation body, the obligation of cooperation of the business includes offering the possibility of a written settlement in accordance with the consumer’s request.

  1. Unilateral amendment of the General Terms and Conditions

The Service Provider is entitled to unilaterally modify these General Terms and Conditions by informing the Users in advance on the Website. The modified provisions shall become effective for the User upon the first use of the Website after their entry into force and shall apply to orders placed after the modification.

9.Reservation of ownership

The product remains the property of the Service Provider until full payment of the purchase price. If, for whatever reason, the product is still in the possession of the User before full payment of the purchase price, the User shall be liable to the Service Provider for all damages, for which no one can be held liable.

  1. Technical limitations

Purchasing on the Website implies the User’s knowledge and acceptance of the possibilities and limitations of the Internet, in particular with regard to technical performance and errors that may occur. The Service Provider shall not be held liable in the event of any malfunction of the Internet network which prevents the Website from functioning and the purchase.

  1. Terms and conditions, modification of prices

The Service Provider may modify these GTC, the prices of the products sold on the Website and other prices indicated, at any time, with non-retroactive effect, which modification shall take effect after publication on the Website and shall apply only to transactions after the date of entry into force.

Szarvas, 2016. June 11.